Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals, INC.

4625 Lindell Boulevard Central West End• Suite 200• St. Louis, MO 63108
Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals, INC.'s Image

INLAND RIVERS, PORTS & TERMINALS, INC., is a membership driven, nationwide trade association. It was chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1974 under the laws of the State of Missouri. The IRPT is a relatively young organization which was founded in 1974.

The IRPT as an organization continues to demonstrate that the industry is and will continue to be a dynamic force in the nations’ economic growth and stability.

The success of our members’ businesses is of utmost importance to us because it is all about the inland river industry.  When your business prospers, the industry benefits as a collective group. There is no better way to build your business than to have the connections you will make throughout the nation’s inland river system.

We currently have over 300 members nationwide consisting of port professionals, terminal operators, shippers, carriers, firms, suppliers, state agencies, and other associations.  IRPT has a strong presence in Washington, DC, and we work hard to represent the inland river industries.