Zinc Resources, LLC – Review of Draft Air Permit Application and Public Comments

Zinc Resources, LLC – Review of Draft Air Permit Application and Public Comments Main Photo

17 May 2021

Zinc Resources, LLC (ZRLLC) proposed to construct an electric arc furnace (EAF) dust recycling facility in the City of Whitsett in Live Oak County, Texas. An air quality new source review (NSR) permit application was submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Air Quality (TCEQ) for the proposed project on December 14, 2020. Following TCEQ procedures the submitted permit application (Permit No. 163540, TCEQ Project No. 322923) was placed on public notice but no draft permit or other documentation was issued by TCEQ. As a result of concerns raised during public forums ZRLLC requested that the TCEQ void the submitted application. TCEQ voided the application on March 18, 2021. ZRLLC seeks to construct the facility at the Port of Victoria (Port) and submitted an updated NSR permit application for the new location to the TCEQ on March 17, 2021.

Click here to download the complete memo.