Cost-effective technologies spur green energy development at Port of Victoria
26 May 2023
As the country shifts from fossil fuels to clean energy sources, a utility-scale renewable energy plant using solar combined with battery storage is also on the cards in Port of Victoria, with the potential of powering homes in the community with clean, reliable energy. The power generation facility will be based on 150 acres and will be developed by Vitis Energy. This energy project located at the port could provide direct green energy to various projects, such as electric vehicle charging stations, lighting systems, and other infrastructure. This would not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve local air quality but also increase energy independence and resilience.
Cost-effective technologies spur green energy development at Port of Victoria
Vitis Energy is a company that employs cost-effective technologies and creates energy storage solutions that reduce costs, improve power reliability and enhance sustainability. The company utilizes state-of-the-art tools to better manage energy demand, and maximize energy savings across multiple customer facilities through the use of energy management software. For more information about the Port's Texas Logistics Center that attracted Vitis Energy and First Ammonia, contact the Port today or visit,,, or